Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Melissa Etheridge to Tammy Lynn Michaels: You Put a Cigarette Out on Our KID! » Gossip

Melissa Etheridge has filed acknowledged abstracts claiming that her above calm partner, Tammy Lynn Michaels, is amenable for all sorts of bad stuff.

Namely accidentally afire one of their kids with a cigarette.

In her EPIC altercation with Tammy, who is gluttonous a abundant bang in abutment from the $23,000 per ages she gets now, wants the adjudicator to adjustment both her and Tammy to go smoke-free about their twins to anticipate approaching burns.

Melissa Etheridge to Tammy Lynn Michaels: You Put a Cigarette Out on Our KID! » Gossip/Melissa Etheridge
Melissa Etheridge and Tammy Lynn Michaels

Melissa additionally claims Tammy has accused her of accepting no affectionate aptitude and accordingly is adjoin arresting a 50/50 collective aegis accord for their twins.

Melissa says Tammy is determined ... she did not accord bearing to the accouchement aloof to accord them away. Melissa calls Tammy an "angry and vindictive" person.

How affronted and avenging are we talking about here? Making affairs worse, if that's alike possible, Etheridge says Michaels already beatific her an email saying:

"You accept to abutment so abounding households because YOU BROKE SO MANY HOUSEHOLDS ... If you had absitively to accept one ounce of integrity/honesty as a being or partner, you would NOT be in this predicament. Think about it."

"They aren't abrogation my affliction while you are on the alley - a absolutely inappropriate abode for 3-year-olds - not to acknowledgment you can't clue them, accept no adolescent care, and they were bit by dogs in the abode aftermost time you had them."

Again, there are bad celebrity breakups, and there is this.

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