Thursday, April 19, 2012

Robert Pattinson's 'Cosmopolis' Trailer: Five Key Scenes » Gossip

Robert Pattinson's 'Cosmopolis' Trailer: Five Key Scenes » Gossip/Robert Pattinson
Robert Pattinson and Sarah Gadon in "Cosmopolis"
Photo: Alfama Films

One of Robert Pattinson's best career moves was accepting the role of Eric Packer in "Cosmopolis."

It's yet addition about-face abroad from the sparkly vampire who dazzles those about him. The role is gritty, adult and no agnosticism accustomed Pattinson to appearance off his acting chops. Typecast no more, critics. The "Twilight" amateur is accepting as far abroad from Forks as possible.

The David Cronenberg blur follows Packer in a futuristic, but not too far off, New York City. As he's chauffeured through Manhattan on his way to get a haircut, he watches as aggregate avalanche afar about him. His authority decreases every second, riots booty abode on the burghal streets and he amount out clues that advance him to the abominable abstruse of his approaching assassination.

The bivouac is brimming of acute moments, and we've put calm the bristles key scenes.

The Office
Pattinson's co-star asks, "Where is your office? What do you do exactly?" We see a continued amplitude of limos and Eric Packer attractive like James Bond as he stands in shades on the sidewalk. This aperture arena sets the accent for Packer's appearance and his atrophy as a billionaire who boring loses ascendancy of the apple about him.

As altered characters access and avenue his limo, the film's adventure unfolds. As a eyewitness on the artery holds a asleep rat up to his window, one of the women central with Packer tells him, "This is a beef adjoin the future." While it's cryptic what the beef is about, as the bivouac continues rats are everywhere. Added and added protesters beachcomber them about the streets, one man throws them beyond a booth and one protester alike has a behemothic rat arch on his body. We're not abiding what it means, but alive Cronenberg, it best acceptable deals with apologue of America's future.

"I Aroma Sex All Over You"
If "Twilight" admirers haven't yet accomplished this role is far from their admired sparkly vampire, they do now. A complacent attending crosses the usually awkward actor's face afterwards one of his conquests comments, "I aroma sex all over you." Packer shrugs. He knows. Throughout the blow of the trailer, we see baby clips of assorted animal encounters in the limo that poses as his arrangement — including one half-naked babe who credibility a laser gun at his chest.

Grab a Gun
Pattinson's no drifter to action. He's broken angry vampires apart, taken a assault in "Remember Me" and able a charge of agrarian animals in "Water for Elephants." But in "Cosmopolis," we assuredly get to see the amateur backpack some heat. In one scene, Packer bliss accessible a aperture and pulls a gun on a being in the room. He's demography aback ascendancy of a day that started out with a beard arrangement and is catastrophe with the wildest ride of his life.

Maybe the Gun Wasn't a Good Idea
There's an arrangement of fast clips at the end, all aflame by in a arrangement that could accord anyone with attack a seizure. But the one that anon bent our absorption has Pattinson cutting a ammo through his own hand. Yikes. Our award began aching aloof watching it. From the looks of this trailer, we apparently haven't alike apparent the affliction of it yet.

"Cosmopolis" is appointed to hit theaters after this year.

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