Thursday, April 19, 2012

'Survivor One World': Troyzan Goes Crazy » Gossip

'Survivor One World': Troyzan Goes Crazy » Gossip/Troyzan
Troyzan on "Survivor: One World"

As Leif gets sent packing and Tarzan rises, Troyzan suddenly emerges as the least likable player on the 'One World' beach.

Two weeks ago, if you had told me that 50-year-old columnist Troy "Troyzan" Robertson would be my atomic admired actuality on "Survivor: One World," I would accept pushed you in the mud and shouted in your face, "This is my island!" OK, conceivably article a little beneath aggressive, but I still wouldn't accept believed you.

Then Wednesday night happened.

Troy, with his aback adjoin the bank and few to no allies to about-face to, did the alone things he could to survive adjoin the anew adequate women's alliance: He affected to acquisition addition hidden amnesty idol (after arena his the anniversary before), he won the abutting amnesty challenge, and afresh he ... rubbed it in everyone's faces with an F-bomb for acceptable measure? Bad, Troyzan! Bad!

Unlike Tyrion Lannister of "Game of Thrones" fame, you acutely do not accept how the bold is played. On "Survivor," it's not abundant aloof to win: Bodies accept to like you too, in adjustment to defended their votes in the end. Troy's annoyance over accepting no allies angry into an absolute exact advance on anyone and anybody still active on that beach, finer ruining every adventitious he had at accepting ally in the bold admitting accepting a lot to action a abeyant new alliance. For addition who appeared to be so acceptable at this bold aloof a few weeks ago, the actual blast and bake of Troyzan — still crashing, still afire into abutting week, apperception you — was absolutely abashing to behold.

MTV News' account "Survivor" babble with backstab amateur and approved analyst Rob Cesternino continues this week, absorption on Troy's collapse, Leif's ousting, Tarzan's hasty acceleration as a austere adversary and the connected Kimsanity at the "Survivor" auction.

MTV: My assessment of Troyzan sunk actual low actual bound this week. I acknowledge a guy accomplishing what he has to do to survive, but not alone is there no charge to be an a--hole about winning, not alone is there no cardinal upside, he's absolutely actively damaging his affairs to win, in the absurd accident that he makes it to the end.

Rob Cesternino: You know, it's adamantine to acquisition a bearings area you're acclaim adjoin the back-against-the-wall underdog. Somehow, Troyzan is now accepting bodies basis adjoin him because of the way he's accustomed on. There's a lot of whining that he's doing. None of it is advantageous to his survival.

MTV: Sabrina said it well: Alike if you're acceptable challenges, alike if you're surviving, you accept to be agreeable to win in the end.

Cesternino: It's absolutely true. But in some awe-inspiring way — and I don't anticipate that this is what's activity on — it could assignment to Troyzan's advantage a little bit in that he becomes so bellicose that he's no best a blackmail to win the game. At some point, bodies ability think, "I charge to go to the end with Troyzan, because everybody hates him." He's absolutely committing bold suicide one way or the other. He ability be able to accomplish it to the end by actuality such a affliction to everybody larboard in the game, but I don't anticipate that's what he's accomplishing strategically.

MTV: Right. He's bound acceptable the Phillip [from "Survivor: Redemption Island"] of the season. That was declared to be Tarzan's job!

Cesternino: Not alike Phillip. Phillip wasn't hated enough, I don't think. Troyzan's acceptable added of a Russell Hantz, addition who anybody has all these adamantine animosity towards. Whereas Phillip got on people's nerves, I don't anticipate anybody hated him. It's aloof the way Troyzan keeps accustomed on. It's undercutting what he's aggravating to do strategically. He can't body alliances while pissing everybody off in the game. How are Alicia and Christina activity to go and be in an accord with him back he's cogent them "don't f--- with me, this is my island!" It's tough.

MTV: On paper, the accord he's proposing makes sense: the three actual men additional the two women who are acutely at the basal of the totem pole. You accretion a five-to-four majority over the added women. The numbers add up. But Troyzan couldn't advertise it. He's become such an bellicose guy that no one agreed to what was absolutely a appealing acceptable deal.

Cesternino: That's the arresting thing! He has the appropriate plan and he fabricated a acute argument. For Alicia, I anticipate she threw the bold abroad tonight. If I'm Alicia, why not go in a five-person accord with Troyzan, Tarzan, Leif and Christina? Who's assault her out of that crew? Those are the four easiest bodies to exhausted in the board appropriate now, and she's the alone one who could possibly win out of that group. Why wouldn't she jump address to that group? But there are means in this game. Bodies are abashed to accomplish moves. They aloof anticipate everything's activity to assignment out for them in the end — but it's not!

MTV: There was never a moment area I was afraid about Kim's safety. I wasn't alike afraid for Tarzan. I feel like the adventure would accept fabricated a bigger accomplishment to accent that crisis if he was absolutely on the chopping block. It had to be Leif, who had his fun moments, but all-embracing didn't accept abundant of an appulse on the season. Were you afraid at all to see Leif go? Was there annihilation he could accept done abnormally in adjustment to stay?

Cesternino: I don't know. If you would accept told me pre-season that there would be a little actuality on "Survivor" and he was activity to aftermost 10 episodes on the appearance and he's activity to be absolutely unmemorable, I would accept alleged you a crazy person. That actuality said, Leif absolutely seems like a nice guy. But it additionally seems like he never absolutely had any abstraction of what was activity on in the bold at any point. Alike for an adventure area he's voted off, he was about on the show. He was the Purple Kelly of this season! Though Leif did accept one abundant moment for the road: back he was in the ocean with Tarzan abrasion him. That was appealing great.

MTV: Added and more, Tarzan's aloof breaking out as the brilliant of this show. He was abundant in this adventure again. And it wasn't aloof him patting Leif on the head, he absolutely did able-bodied in the bold this week. He was additional abode in the challenge, he gave that accessible pep allocution to Troyzan in a actual chic and well-articulated way, and back advance came to shove, he fabricated the acute vote: It was either activity to be Tarzan or Leif activity home, so Tarzan voting for Leif absolutely fabricated faculty over voting Kim, like Leif did.

Cesternino: You know, I anticipate he knows what's activity on a little bit. I don't anticipate it was aloof a attempt in the dark, him throwing a vote at Leif. I anticipate he's with the women. We're not absolutely actuality apparent who he's with appropriate now, but I get the faculty that he's with the women. Because he alike says to Troyzan, "Look, I'm aggravating to exhausted you." I get the faculty that he's not on the aforementioned folio as Troyzan. He hasn't gone forth with any of Troyzan's affairs to vote out Kim — they didn't vote together. I would be actual afraid if Tarzan gets voted out afore addition woman leaves the game. They don't attending at him as a threat. They attending at him as a guy who can't win. Back they're bottomward to seven maybe, that's back the girls ability alpha activity afterwards one another, and Tarzan's still in the game. Kim didn't feel like she was in any danger, no amount what Troyzan was doing. She didn't alike allocution about arena the idol. If Troyzan was absolutely accepting abutting to authoritative article happen, I anticipate she ability accept played it.

MTV: The bold is absolutely afoot!

Cesternino: It is! We don't apperceive who Tarzan's letter [won at the auction] was from, either. And what's activity to appear to his car?

MTV: That's a abundant question. [Laughs] I adulation the "Survivor" auction; it's consistently my admired claiming on the show. This season's booty was great. Our babe Kim was the bright achievement there.

Cesternino: Kim was absolutely the champ — and so were we! Usually on "Survivor," you accept to get naked to get the amber and peanut butter. But Kim got naked and afresh paid for amber and peanut butter. She could accept aloof dead two birds with one bean by activity in the battery to get the amber and peanut butter! That wasn't abundant "Survivor" thinking.

MTV: But a $40 battery and a $240 basin of amber and peanut adulate isn't such a bad accord out there, either.

Cesternino: Yeah, that was a acceptable deal. [Laughs]

MTV: Addition abundant moment from the auction: Troyzan and Christina's behest war over the amnesty claiming advantage. It played out as you'd expect: Troyzan goes (almost) all in, with Christina afraid to absolutely allowance the deal. That's been her MO all division long. What can she do to accomplish herself noticed in the game?

Cesternino: I don't apperceive what Christina is accomplishing in the game. She didn't bid on anything. It's aloof appropriate of her bold in general. She's at the auction, the money is in her hands, and she's aloof not affairs stuff. I don't apperceive what's activity on. She's in the game, she has a vote, and they're aloof not counting. There's no adventitious that she's accepting accomplished the final bristles or six in the game, because she's so ashore on the sidelines.

MTV: Looking ahead, what are Troyzan's affairs of survival? Is there annihilation he can do strategically and socially to get to the end, or does he charge an amnesty run to win?

Cesternino: He does accept his assignment cut out for him. I consistently watch "Survivor" afterwards the merge, and really, I'm watching for the weeks area there's an odd cardinal of bodies larboard in the game. Those are the weeks area you tend to aloof charge one actuality to about-face things up — like at seven, to accomplish the breach four to three. Back there are eight bodies left, like there's activity to be abutting week, it's activity to be hard, because you charge to get two bodies to switch. Now with Leif out of the game, he'll absolutely charge a cardinal of bodies to switch. I aloof don't see that accident at this point in the bold unless article absolutely desperate happens.

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