Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Snow In Truckee

Another cell phone pic. Sandra and I got up early on Sunday morning. About 4:40 we left for Denny's to eat breakfast and fortify ourselves for the impending 12 hour drive to Truckee in the worst snowstorm since the Donner Party. At least that's what the news was making it out to be. We brought the Sunshine home a to go box and by 7:15 we had picked up Susan, stopped for coffee and soda and were on our way.
The mighty snowstorm turned out to be nothing but overrated. It rained the entire way to Truckee, even over Donner Summit. There was slush and stuff on the road, and you needed chains or 4 wheel drive to get over said summit, but there was no "blizzard" anywhere except for Dairy Queen.
Cheri cooked ham and turkey and we ate well again in Truckee. I played in the snow with the granddaughters and Ernie and we had a good time. Ernie has a snowball making scoop that Kyleigh just loved. She also loved to toss snow at me, as did Skyler.
By about 4 o'clock we were finishing up and getting ready to head home. Sandra looked out the window and saw the street covered in fresh snow. She thought, "oh oh" and we hit the high road. I was surprised there wasn't more traffic for a Sunday late afternoon. It did snow a bit on the way home, but we didn't even see Mr Plow. We left the Sunshine up with Ernie and Cheri for a few days.
By 9pm I was in bed watching the horrible Star Wars Family Guy. I didn't watch it for long, there's too much other stuff on the cable to watch stuff you don't like.

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