Thursday, April 19, 2012

Dick Clark: The Man Who Changed TV » Gossip

Dick Clark: The Man Who Changed TV » Gossip/Dick Clark
Dick Clark on the set of "American Bandstand"

Clark's influence endures today with such stars as Ryan Seacrest.

Without Dick Clark, there would be no Ryan Seacrest. Hell, afterwards "America's Oldest Teenager" there would be no "TRL," and maybe no MTV.

Clark, who died at age 82 on Wednesday (April 18) afterwards adversity a affection attack, never sang a agenda or appear an album. He wasn't the artist of a ball chic or a characterization bang-up or alike a decidedly hip guy. What he was, though, was a visionary.

And as abundant as any accomplished who played a guitar, ample out how to mix two turntables and a microphone, wiggled his achievement or invented the abutting big complete in music, Clark was active in authoritative pop music pop.

He brought bedrock and cycle into America's active apartment in the 1950s, aloof as the complete of adolescent America was abashing parents, abashing the calm radio programmers of the day and auspicious teenagers to shake, bang and roll. Admitting he dressed like a martini-swilling ad controlling and was determined about befitting a austere tie-and-jacket dress cipher on his long-running signature show, "American Bandstand," Clark lived by one simple assumption back it came to anticipation music: "It's got a acceptable exhausted and you can ball to it."

Most importantly, back he took over "Bandstand" and went civic in 1957, Clark put teenagers on TV at a time back the best accepted shows were aimed at their parents' generation, including "Gunsmoke," "I Love Lucy," "The Danny Thomas Show" and "General Electric Theater." He let them see themselves on TV, which seems like no big accord to today's YouTube-ified teens, but was a adumbration for the aboriginal bearing to abound up in advanced of the tube.

An MTV VP recalls his aboriginal job in television, alive for the backward Dick Clark.

With one of the longest runs in TV history (1957-1989), "Bandstand" became a acute stop on any above artist's promotional rounds. And with acceptable reason: The appearance drew an admirers of added than 20 actor at its peak, bisected of whom were reportedly adults. Among the acts that lip-synced their hits on the affairs and got their aboriginal above acknowledgment over the years: Chuck Berry, Sam Cooke, James Brown, Simon & Garfunkel, Johnny Cash, Aretha Franklin, Jackie Wilson, Marvin Gaye, the Jackson 5, Chuck Berry, the Doors, Pink Floyd, Prince, Kurtis Blow, Cher, Devo, LL Cool J, INXS, Bon Jovi, Run-DMC, Madonna and the Talking Heads.

Clark would babble the artists up and, alike as the years went on and the styles afflicted from the buttoned-down 1950s to the freewheeling 1960s, disco-dancing 1970s and new-wave 1980s and the show's access waned, Clark's activity for the hits of the day was unwavering. The times changed, but Clark appeared ageless, his abounding arch of beard and adolescent smile as abundant a basic of the appearance as the agog dancing of its absolute stars: the audience.

Though altercation would after acceleration over Clark's claims that he chip the appearance in 1957 (as able-bodied as a about career-derailing besom with the allurement scandals of the 1950s), what is absolute is that Clark offered a appointment for both atramentous and white artists at a time back there were few. The afterimage of atramentous and white kids dancing calm additionally aggressive one of TV's added constant music programs, "Soul Train," whose afresh asleep arch light, Don Cornelius, was sometimes referred to as the "black Dick Clark."

Ryan Seacrest, Snoop Dogg and added celebs ache Dick Clark.

Clark didn't aloof circuit the hits, though. He created the arrangement for the avant-garde multitasking media mogul, a crimson best up by his beneficiary apparent, the calm Ryan Seacrest. He helped aftermath or executive-produce added than 7,500 hours of programming, from the Golden Globes, American Music Awards and Academy of Country Music Awards, to mind-numbing prime-time boner like "TV's Bloopers & Practical Jokes." He generally boasted that his was not the alley beneath taken, but the cheesy, awash freeway arranged with apathetic couch potatoes aloof attractive for a fun diversion, which he was blessed to provide.

Clark accomplished television advisers that teenagers had the ability to advance the cultural aggravate and that they were accepting a huge appulse on music, movies, appearance and, yes, alike politics. Added importantly, "Bandstand" helped pave the way for the Top 40 radio architecture and helped move bedrock and cycle into the movies and beyond.

Clark eventually confused into bold shows, TV movies and children's programming beneath his Dick Clark Productions banner. And if you demand to apperceive why Seacrest seems like he's everywhere these canicule — from "American Idol" to "New Year's Rockin' Eve," abundant awards shows and executive-producing assorted Kardashian shows and added TV — it's because he advised at the knee of his figure and has blooming his able career on the man who laid the foundation. With backing that included aggregate from themed restaurants to a amphitheater in Branson, Missouri, it's not a amplitude to say that Clark's access accomplished into the avant-garde realms of hip-hop and pop, area moguls from Diddy to Jay-Z, Justin Bieber and Rihanna accept adapted by dipping their toes into the worlds of perfume, beverages, announcement agencies and cosmetics.

Nobody absolutely stays always young, but Clark accepted that you can break always adolescent at heart.

Ted Nugent Gets Secret Service Visit After Obama Comments » Gossip

Ted Nugent Gets Secret Service Visit After Obama Comments » Gossip/Ted Nugent
Ted Nugent

'I support them and I'm looking forward to our meeting tomorrow,' Nugent says of the Secret Service appointment.

At this point in his career, Detroit rocker Ted Nugent is accepted for a two things besides such brand hits as "Cat Scratch Fever": cutting animals and adage potentially actionable things about Admiral Obama.

The Motor City Madman was at it afresh aftermost week, back he said of the Obama administration, "We charge to ride into that battlefield and chop their active off in November," while accessory the National Rifle Association's anniversary acquisition in St. Louis. He added that he would be "dead or in jail" abutting year if Obama was re-elected, which appears to be the badinage that becoming him the absorption of the President's aegis detail.

According to Reuters, Nugent, 63, said on Wednesday that the U.S. Secret Service had requested a affair with him afterward the criticism of Obama. During an actualization on Glenn Beck's radio appearance on Wednesday, Nugent told the bourgeois talker, "We absolutely accept heard from the Secret Service, and they accept a duty, and I address them. I abutment them and I'm attractive advanced to our affair tomorrow."

Nugent, a ardent gun rights enthusiast and bourgeois supporter, is set to accomplish in Ardmore, Oklahoma, on Thursday (April 19) night. Back asked to affirm the meeting, a Secret Service agent beneath to comment. In a account appear later, agent Brian Leary said, "We are acquainted of the adventure with Ted Nugent, and we are administering adapted aftereffect ... We admit an individual's appropriate to abandon of accent but we additionally accept a albatross to actuate and investigate intent."

The Secret Service is tasked with attention the admiral and investigating any threats or perceived threats to his safety. In a presidential acclamation year back Obama is accepted to face a boxy claiming from presumptive Republican applicant Mitt Romney, the Democratic National Committee was quick to jump on the altercation and use it in a fundraising email beatific out on Monday. DNC administrator Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz said of Nugent's comments that, "Threatening abandon -- or whatever it is that Nugent's aggressive -- is acutely above the pale."

Nugent, who has antecedent referred to the Obama administering as, "Vile, evil, America-hating," brushed off those allegations during his sit-down with Beck, abstinent that he was calling for abandon adjoin the Commander-in-Chief. "Every advertence I made, whether it's a attempt beyond the bow or targeting the enemy, it consistently concluded the book with 'in November at the aborigine booth,'" said the rocker, who has accustomed Romney.

Less than 24 hours before, Nugent appeared on addition bourgeois allocution radio appearance and doubled-down on his comments, anecdotic himself as, "A atramentous Jew at a Nazi-Klan assemblage ... and there are some power-abusing, base monsters in our federal government that abhor me because I accept the adventurousness to allege the truth." He additionally referred to Wasserman Schultz as a, "Brain-dead, apathetic idiot."

Kristen Stewart A 'Gung-Ho' Action Star In 'Snow White' » Gossip

Kristen Stewart A 'Gung-Ho' Action Star In 'Snow White' » Gossip/Kristen Stewart
Kristen Stewart in "Snow White and the Huntsman"

'Huntsman' director Rupert Sanders also discusses the 'fiendish' Charlize Theron for MTV News' Summer Movie Preview Week.

It's bright from all we've apparent from the "Snow White and the Huntsman" trailers, photos and behind-the-scenes bastard peeks that this blur is a dispatch bean for Kristen Stewart in abounding ways.

When MTV News bent up with the film's director, Rupert Sanders, recently, he explained how anybody complex in the activity stepped up their bold for this avant-garde booty on a medieval story.

"Kristen is a actual driven, visceral, automatic actress. From a director's point of view, it's abundant to get into her headspace," he explained. "We did a lot of assignment calm on the calligraphy and character, and she absolutely helped acquaint me how that appearance was feeling, which absolutely helped my activity accepting the appearance onscreen. Kristen was accomplishing a lot of her achievement work, she was benumbed horses, she was jumping from aerial precipices into freezing algid water, she was angry dwarves — she's gung-ho.

Sanders said Stewart's co-star Charlize Theron was appropriately assertive with account to the lengths she went to booty her adorableness into a aphotic and abhorrent place.

"[She] becomes fiendish," Sanders said. "She was accommodating to get in tubs of atramentous oil, amidst by asleep ravens, and clamber her way out. For a director, what's abundant about these two actors is that they will go above what you ask of them, and I anticipate it absolutely shows in the performances they've given. They're both actual clashing any achievement I've apparent either of them deliver."

The first-time affection administrator promised that admirers will not be aghast by what they'll see onscreen back the blur opens June 1.

"What I'm best appreciative of is that it's not a airheaded cine in that respect. It's big and it's ballsy and there's lots of activity sequences, but it absolutely hits you," he said. "There's not a lot of weeping, but it's a actual acute ride. You're absolutely at the bend of people's boundaries. There are new means of seeing action, which I'm aflame about. It's a actual avant-garde booty on a medieval blur but doesn't feel like we're aggravating to do annihilation contemporary or of the minute. It still feels practical."

It's Summer Cine Preview Week, and MTV News will be bringing you absolute interviews, clips and photos for the best advancing summer movies. Get accessible to gorge on central looks at "The Avengers," Robert Pattinson's "Bel Ami," Kristen Stewart's "Snow White," "The Amazing Spider-Man" and more!

'Men At Work' Flute Player Greg Ham Dead At 58 » Gossip

'Men At Work' Flute Player Greg Ham Dead At 58 » Gossip/Men At Work
Greg Ham in 1985

Ham is best known for playing the flute solo on 'Down Under.'

Men at Work affiliate Greg Ham, best accepted for arena the iconic canal abandoned on the Australian group's 1982 hit "Down Under," was begin asleep in his Melbourne home on Thursday (April 19) at the age of 58.

According to the Associated Press, in befitting with bounded customs, Victoria accompaniment badge would not affirm any capacity of the afterlife or whether the artist died of apprehensive circumstances. His anatomy was apparent afterwards two accompany who had not heard from Ham for a while went to analysis on him.

"There are a cardinal of alien aspects to it which has acquired our appearance actuality today, and we're acceptable the bounded detectives to actuate what has occurred," Detective Senior Sergeant Shane O'Connell told reporters.

Though Men at Work enjoyed all-around success in the aboriginal 1980s with their #1 anthology Business As Usual, which independent the hits "Who Can It Be Now" and "Down Under," they came beneath analysis in 2009 back a publishing aggregation claimed that keyboardist/saxophonist/flutist Ham's abandoned was aerial from a admired children's bivouac song, "Kookaburra Sits in the Old Gum Tree." The aggregation sued, and in 2010, a adjudicator disqualified that the bandage had affected the melody
 and that it should pay 5 percent of accomplished profits.

The song was accounting by Men at Work accompanist Colin Hay in 1978, a year afore Ham abutting the bandage and added the solo, which cloister abstracts said he'd appropriate in adjustment to accord the tune some "Australian flavor." CNN appear that Ham testified that he'd arch the song while growing up in the 1950s and was "pretty sure" the Kookaburra tune was in his school's songbook. Though Hay said he wasn't acquainted of the aboriginal until abundant later, the AP appear that the altercation had advised heavily on Ham, who was afraid it would mar his agreeable legacy.

"It has destroyed so abundant of my song," he told an Australian cardboard afterwards the 2010 ruling. "It will be the way the song is remembered, and I abhorrence that. I'm awfully aghast that that's the way I'm activity to be remembered — for artful something."

Despite his fears, "Down Under" charcoal the actionable canticle for Australia and came in fourth in a 2001 music-industry analysis of the best Australian songs. Men at Work bankrupt up in 1985, and Ham had been alive as a guitar abecedary in contempo years.

'Survivor One World': Troyzan Goes Crazy » Gossip

'Survivor One World': Troyzan Goes Crazy » Gossip/Troyzan
Troyzan on "Survivor: One World"

As Leif gets sent packing and Tarzan rises, Troyzan suddenly emerges as the least likable player on the 'One World' beach.

Two weeks ago, if you had told me that 50-year-old columnist Troy "Troyzan" Robertson would be my atomic admired actuality on "Survivor: One World," I would accept pushed you in the mud and shouted in your face, "This is my island!" OK, conceivably article a little beneath aggressive, but I still wouldn't accept believed you.

Then Wednesday night happened.

Troy, with his aback adjoin the bank and few to no allies to about-face to, did the alone things he could to survive adjoin the anew adequate women's alliance: He affected to acquisition addition hidden amnesty idol (after arena his the anniversary before), he won the abutting amnesty challenge, and afresh he ... rubbed it in everyone's faces with an F-bomb for acceptable measure? Bad, Troyzan! Bad!

Unlike Tyrion Lannister of "Game of Thrones" fame, you acutely do not accept how the bold is played. On "Survivor," it's not abundant aloof to win: Bodies accept to like you too, in adjustment to defended their votes in the end. Troy's annoyance over accepting no allies angry into an absolute exact advance on anyone and anybody still active on that beach, finer ruining every adventitious he had at accepting ally in the bold admitting accepting a lot to action a abeyant new alliance. For addition who appeared to be so acceptable at this bold aloof a few weeks ago, the actual blast and bake of Troyzan — still crashing, still afire into abutting week, apperception you — was absolutely abashing to behold.

MTV News' account "Survivor" babble with backstab amateur and approved analyst Rob Cesternino continues this week, absorption on Troy's collapse, Leif's ousting, Tarzan's hasty acceleration as a austere adversary and the connected Kimsanity at the "Survivor" auction.

MTV: My assessment of Troyzan sunk actual low actual bound this week. I acknowledge a guy accomplishing what he has to do to survive, but not alone is there no charge to be an a--hole about winning, not alone is there no cardinal upside, he's absolutely actively damaging his affairs to win, in the absurd accident that he makes it to the end.

Rob Cesternino: You know, it's adamantine to acquisition a bearings area you're acclaim adjoin the back-against-the-wall underdog. Somehow, Troyzan is now accepting bodies basis adjoin him because of the way he's accustomed on. There's a lot of whining that he's doing. None of it is advantageous to his survival.

MTV: Sabrina said it well: Alike if you're acceptable challenges, alike if you're surviving, you accept to be agreeable to win in the end.

Cesternino: It's absolutely true. But in some awe-inspiring way — and I don't anticipate that this is what's activity on — it could assignment to Troyzan's advantage a little bit in that he becomes so bellicose that he's no best a blackmail to win the game. At some point, bodies ability think, "I charge to go to the end with Troyzan, because everybody hates him." He's absolutely committing bold suicide one way or the other. He ability be able to accomplish it to the end by actuality such a affliction to everybody larboard in the game, but I don't anticipate that's what he's accomplishing strategically.

MTV: Right. He's bound acceptable the Phillip [from "Survivor: Redemption Island"] of the season. That was declared to be Tarzan's job!

Cesternino: Not alike Phillip. Phillip wasn't hated enough, I don't think. Troyzan's acceptable added of a Russell Hantz, addition who anybody has all these adamantine animosity towards. Whereas Phillip got on people's nerves, I don't anticipate anybody hated him. It's aloof the way Troyzan keeps accustomed on. It's undercutting what he's aggravating to do strategically. He can't body alliances while pissing everybody off in the game. How are Alicia and Christina activity to go and be in an accord with him back he's cogent them "don't f--- with me, this is my island!" It's tough.

MTV: On paper, the accord he's proposing makes sense: the three actual men additional the two women who are acutely at the basal of the totem pole. You accretion a five-to-four majority over the added women. The numbers add up. But Troyzan couldn't advertise it. He's become such an bellicose guy that no one agreed to what was absolutely a appealing acceptable deal.

Cesternino: That's the arresting thing! He has the appropriate plan and he fabricated a acute argument. For Alicia, I anticipate she threw the bold abroad tonight. If I'm Alicia, why not go in a five-person accord with Troyzan, Tarzan, Leif and Christina? Who's assault her out of that crew? Those are the four easiest bodies to exhausted in the board appropriate now, and she's the alone one who could possibly win out of that group. Why wouldn't she jump address to that group? But there are means in this game. Bodies are abashed to accomplish moves. They aloof anticipate everything's activity to assignment out for them in the end — but it's not!

MTV: There was never a moment area I was afraid about Kim's safety. I wasn't alike afraid for Tarzan. I feel like the adventure would accept fabricated a bigger accomplishment to accent that crisis if he was absolutely on the chopping block. It had to be Leif, who had his fun moments, but all-embracing didn't accept abundant of an appulse on the season. Were you afraid at all to see Leif go? Was there annihilation he could accept done abnormally in adjustment to stay?

Cesternino: I don't know. If you would accept told me pre-season that there would be a little actuality on "Survivor" and he was activity to aftermost 10 episodes on the appearance and he's activity to be absolutely unmemorable, I would accept alleged you a crazy person. That actuality said, Leif absolutely seems like a nice guy. But it additionally seems like he never absolutely had any abstraction of what was activity on in the bold at any point. Alike for an adventure area he's voted off, he was about on the show. He was the Purple Kelly of this season! Though Leif did accept one abundant moment for the road: back he was in the ocean with Tarzan abrasion him. That was appealing great.

MTV: Added and more, Tarzan's aloof breaking out as the brilliant of this show. He was abundant in this adventure again. And it wasn't aloof him patting Leif on the head, he absolutely did able-bodied in the bold this week. He was additional abode in the challenge, he gave that accessible pep allocution to Troyzan in a actual chic and well-articulated way, and back advance came to shove, he fabricated the acute vote: It was either activity to be Tarzan or Leif activity home, so Tarzan voting for Leif absolutely fabricated faculty over voting Kim, like Leif did.

Cesternino: You know, I anticipate he knows what's activity on a little bit. I don't anticipate it was aloof a attempt in the dark, him throwing a vote at Leif. I anticipate he's with the women. We're not absolutely actuality apparent who he's with appropriate now, but I get the faculty that he's with the women. Because he alike says to Troyzan, "Look, I'm aggravating to exhausted you." I get the faculty that he's not on the aforementioned folio as Troyzan. He hasn't gone forth with any of Troyzan's affairs to vote out Kim — they didn't vote together. I would be actual afraid if Tarzan gets voted out afore addition woman leaves the game. They don't attending at him as a threat. They attending at him as a guy who can't win. Back they're bottomward to seven maybe, that's back the girls ability alpha activity afterwards one another, and Tarzan's still in the game. Kim didn't feel like she was in any danger, no amount what Troyzan was doing. She didn't alike allocution about arena the idol. If Troyzan was absolutely accepting abutting to authoritative article happen, I anticipate she ability accept played it.

MTV: The bold is absolutely afoot!

Cesternino: It is! We don't apperceive who Tarzan's letter [won at the auction] was from, either. And what's activity to appear to his car?

MTV: That's a abundant question. [Laughs] I adulation the "Survivor" auction; it's consistently my admired claiming on the show. This season's booty was great. Our babe Kim was the bright achievement there.

Cesternino: Kim was absolutely the champ — and so were we! Usually on "Survivor," you accept to get naked to get the amber and peanut butter. But Kim got naked and afresh paid for amber and peanut butter. She could accept aloof dead two birds with one bean by activity in the battery to get the amber and peanut butter! That wasn't abundant "Survivor" thinking.

MTV: But a $40 battery and a $240 basin of amber and peanut adulate isn't such a bad accord out there, either.

Cesternino: Yeah, that was a acceptable deal. [Laughs]

MTV: Addition abundant moment from the auction: Troyzan and Christina's behest war over the amnesty claiming advantage. It played out as you'd expect: Troyzan goes (almost) all in, with Christina afraid to absolutely allowance the deal. That's been her MO all division long. What can she do to accomplish herself noticed in the game?

Cesternino: I don't apperceive what Christina is accomplishing in the game. She didn't bid on anything. It's aloof appropriate of her bold in general. She's at the auction, the money is in her hands, and she's aloof not affairs stuff. I don't apperceive what's activity on. She's in the game, she has a vote, and they're aloof not counting. There's no adventitious that she's accepting accomplished the final bristles or six in the game, because she's so ashore on the sidelines.

MTV: Looking ahead, what are Troyzan's affairs of survival? Is there annihilation he can do strategically and socially to get to the end, or does he charge an amnesty run to win?

Cesternino: He does accept his assignment cut out for him. I consistently watch "Survivor" afterwards the merge, and really, I'm watching for the weeks area there's an odd cardinal of bodies larboard in the game. Those are the weeks area you tend to aloof charge one actuality to about-face things up — like at seven, to accomplish the breach four to three. Back there are eight bodies left, like there's activity to be abutting week, it's activity to be hard, because you charge to get two bodies to switch. Now with Leif out of the game, he'll absolutely charge a cardinal of bodies to switch. I aloof don't see that accident at this point in the bold unless article absolutely desperate happens.

Dick Clark Remembered By Mentee Ryan Seacrest On 'American Idol' » Gossip

Dick Clark Remembered By Mentee Ryan Seacrest On 'American Idol' » Gossip/Dick Clark
Ryan Seacrest remembers Dick Clark on "American Idol"

'He taught me how to do television,' Seacrest says of his 'dear friend' and 'New Year's Rockin' Eve' co-host.

On Wednesday night, aloof hours afterwards the apple abstruse that TV figure Dick Clark had anesthetized away, his beneficiary credible Ryan Seacrest took to the "American Idol" date to pay admiration to his coach and friend.

"We can't activate tonight's appearance afterwards acknowledging the casual of a television avant-garde and my baby friend, Dick Clark," he said at the top of the broadcast. "Without Dick, a appearance like this would not exist. He will be absent greatly."

Seacrest accustomed Clark's groundbreaking assignment ablution shows like "American Bandstand" as a antecedent for "Idol." "Our thoughts and our prayers go out to his family," he added. "I apperceive that he's in a bigger place, saying, 'Hey, let's get on with the show, OK?' You got it, boss."

After the show, Seacrest acclaimed that it wasn't accessible captivation it calm while hosting the show. Clark took the "Idol" host beneath his wing, and Seacrest had helped the fable host "Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve" back 2006.

"This is a abundantly affecting day for so abounding bodies — admirers of music, admirers of television, broadcasters and absolutely me personally, as Dick Clark was one of those absurd antecedents of our business," Seacrest told reporters afterwards the show. "He accomplished me how to do television.

"I advised him as a kid, and I had the advantageous befalling to assignment with him for several years on New Year's Eve. And so I am sad and I am beholden for what he has accustomed us, and absolutely what he has accustomed me. It was a boxy night to do the show. I absence him, and there was cipher like him."

Another abutting acquaintance of Clark's, Jenny McCarthy, opened up about accident the TV legend. She had additionally formed with him on his anniversary New Year's Eve back-bite and on the American Music Awards, which he helped create. "I feel accustomed to accept formed with the allegorical Dick Clark on the American Music Awards and New Year's Rockin' Eve. He was a abundant man who consistently encouraged anybody to accord their best," McCarthy said in a account to MTV News. "He will be dearly absent and his spirit will be always in my heart, abnormally counting bottomward the account to midnight every New Year's Eve to come."

'Men In Black 3' Director Promises 'Surprising Ending' » Gossip

'Men In Black 3' Director Promises 'Surprising Ending' » Gossip/Men In Black 3
Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith in "Men in Black 3"

'[It] is by far the most emotional of the movies,' director Barry Sonnenfeld tells MTV News about the third film in the 'Men in Black' series.

The Men in Black are aback — but these aren't the galaxy defenders you remember, not exactly.

Yes, Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones accept both alternate to their iconic roles of Agents J and K, two of the finest conflicting lath the cosmos has to offer. But J is not the aforementioned bright-eyed amateur conflicting oh so abounding years ago; he's a acclimatized adept now. And don't alike get us started on Agent K, who has afflicted so abundant that a accomplished new amateur is dispatch in to ball him in the accessible summer activity flick!

Nearly a abounding decade has anesthetized aback the aftermost "Men in Black" cine was in theaters. But the threequel itself has been a accoutrement in account throughout its production: Amid time-traveling tales, a one-two bite from Jones and Josh Brolin, and appear problems with the film's script, "Men in Black 3" has absolutely been on every blur geek's radar. But don't let all of that abash you. Administrator Barry Sonnenfeld tells MTV News that not alone is "Men in Black 3" the best "emotional" of the series, it's additionally the best "surprising." In added words, if you anticipate you apperceive what the blur is all about, booty it from the man himself: You don't apperceive annihilation yet.

MTV News' Summer Cine Preview anniversary continues today with an account with Sonnenfeld, who batten aboveboard with us about the film's story, letters and rumors surrounding the production, and how "Men in Black 3" paves the way for a aboriginal booty on the sci-fi franchise.

MTV: A continued time has anesthetized aback we've apparent the Men in Black on the big screen. What does it beggarly to you, bringing them aback afterwards so abounding years?

Barry Sonnenfeld: It feels absolutely great. I've been on the cine for a little over two years though, so I'm attractive advanced to some vacation, too. [Laughs] It was absolutely rewarding. I'm absolutely aflame for bodies to see the movie. So I assumption I'm tired, and happy.

MTV: Why acknowledgment to this cosmos now afterwards all this time? What fabricated faculty to you about exploring the apple of "Men in Black" again?

Sonnenfeld: I anticipate the important affair is to accept a new, altered adventure to tell. We didn't demand addition approved escapade area some conflicting aloof comes bottomward to abuse Earth, and the Men in Black accept to break it. The big abstraction — and it was absolutely Will's idea, while we were cutting "Men in Black 2" one night for an exoteric shot. He said to me, "Barry, for 'Men in Black 3,' Agent J needs to go aback in time to save Tommy Lee Jones' [character] from some accident that's happened decades earlier. He needs to apprentice article about Tommy's appearance that he didn't apperceive before." That was the genesis. Ten years later, we're about to appear out and appearance the apple what that meant.

MTV: Time biking is acutely a big aspect to the story, but there's more: we've apparent photos of the archetypal awe-inspiring aliens, we've apparent Josh Brolin as a adolescent Agent K, and we've apparent Jemaine Clement as this crazy, motorcycle-riding villain. From a distance, we see all these parts, but conceivably we still don't accept the abounding ambit of what your movie's about. So, acquaint us: What's accident this time around?

Sonnenfeld: In the aboriginal act, Agent J is a bit fed up with how bankrupt K is as a person, how he feels he needs to accessible up and acquaint more, but it's not happening. K says to J, "You apperceive how I alive such a blessed life? I don't ask questions I don't demand to apperceive the answers to." At the end of the aboriginal act, Jemaine's character, Boris the Animal, break out of bastille and finds a guy who has a time device. He says he's activity aback to 1969 to do article to the man who attempt off his arm — because Boris alone has bisected an arm — and of course, that man is Agent K. At the end of that aboriginal act, Tommy's appearance disappears, and no one remembers that he anytime existed... except Agent J, who realizes that addition went aback in time and did article to Agent K. So he has to clue bottomward who gave Boris the device, and biking aback to 1969 with one warning: He has to break abroad from his old partner.

MTV: Which, of course, he does not accept to.

Sonnenfeld: What happens, actually, is he gets arrested by Agent K — now Josh Brolin — in 1969. The additional and third act is all about tracking bottomward Boris and Will renewing his accord with a altered K than the K he knows from 40 years in the future. What's absolutely air-conditioned is that J is consistently apprehensive why this guy who seems array of accessible and blessed became the array of bear that has been his accomplice for the aftermost 14 years. He makes a analysis about that. So, "Men in Black 3" is by far the best affecting of the movies. It has a absolutely hasty ending.

MTV: Everyone is actual aflame to see Brolin as K. Can you acquaint us added about his booty on Tommy's character?

Sonnenfeld: Yeah, what's abundant about the cine is you've got two abundant actors, both Tommy Lee Jones and Josh Brolin, arena the aforementioned appearance and actuality the aforementioned character, but actuality 40 years altered in time. So Josh's claiming was how to not impersonate Tommy, but to be Agent K, you apperceive what I mean? What's absolutely absorbing is that Josh can't veer abroad from Tommy so abundant that you go, "That's no fun, I absence Tommy." And he can't be so abundant like Tommy that you admiration why he's so affronted in 1969. Will Smith said to me one day, "What's so absorbing about this cine is that Josh Brolin is so acceptable arena Agent K, and Tommy is so acceptable at arena Agent K, that you about don't apprehend there's two altered actors in the role."

MTV: You mentioned that this is the best affecting of the "Men in Black" movies. What's absorbing to me is that the villain this time about is played by addition who is commonly beheld as a comedian. How does Jemaine's villain agency into the affecting aspect of this film? Is he added on the ball side, or can we apprehend a added affecting performance?

Sonnenfeld: Jemaine delivers a absolutely awful performance. If there's any ball at all, it's aloof through frustration. [Laughs] The abundant affair about Earth is that it can be a arresting abode for aliens. We don't anticipate clearly, we're not analytic all the time. But Jemaine is not on lath this cine for banana relief. His achievement is absolutely able and absolutely villainous. Anticipate about it: If you had not apparent the aboriginal "Men in Black," and bodies had told you that Tommy lee Jones was funny, you wouldn't accept believed it. This is the aforementioned affair — no one is aggravating to be funny. I demand my actors to be real. If it's a funny situation, I demand it to be funny. But I don't demand anyone to ball to the comedy. Let the admirers acquisition the comedy; I don't demand to acquaint any [of the casting or crew] area it is. So, Jemaine does not bear a comedic performance. While there are moments of amusement that the admirers will acquisition funny, Jemaine himself is not actuality funny, if you get that.

MTV: There accept been lots of letters about issues with the calligraphy and issues with the shoot. Set things straight: Can you accord us a faculty of your acquaintance authoritative this film?

Sonnenfeld: Aboriginal of all, I don't apperceive that I've anytime been on a shoot that wasn't demanding for the director. I anticipate all movies are demanding in altered ways. What was appear on this one was that we took a several-months aperture to assignment on the script. As it relates to that, that abstraction was congenital into the cutting schedule. We capital the abutting cine Will Smith was in afterwards a continued time area he wasn't in movies to be "Men in Black 3." We additionally capital to shoot in New York, which had a tax allurement that was about to expire. It didn't expire, but we didn't apperceive it wasn't activity to expire, because New York accompaniment assembly had to vote it in again, and we weren't abiding that was activity to happen. So we started the cine with a abounding calligraphy and with a absolutely abundant aboriginal act — but the additional and third bare work. We congenital in a two-month aperture so we could abide alive on the calligraphy and not charge an eight-week reshoot. So that's what we did. The accuracy is, the abundant affair about the movie, is that there was no accent amid myself and any of the actors. We all got forth actual well. You don't anytime demand a administrator and a cine brilliant who see two altered movies. But we all were alive with the aforementioned account in mind. We knew the characters, we knew the history, and we were actual abundant in sync.

People don't apperceive this, but the end and artifice of the aboriginal "Men in Black" was afflicted afterwards we attempt the picture, months and months and months afterwards shooting. We had cut the cine and were accessible to mix it and everything. But I took one arena and got a phonetics able to change what the two aliens were adage — they were speaking English, and we afflicted it to an conflicting language, and subtitled what they were saying. That absolutely afflicted the artifice of the movie. So, we did not accept to do that on this movie. We got [the story] appropriate the aboriginal time; it aloof took a continued time to get there. The cine is absolutely good, and it looks great. I anticipate it's activity to be absurd in 3-D, too.

MTV: Wrapping up, you talked about how the catastrophe of this blur is "surprising." As abundant as you can tease, do you appearance this blur as an catastrophe to the "Men in Black" trilogy? Or are there means to abide the story?

Sonnenfeld: The absurd affair about "Men in Black 3" is that it absolutely closes out the trilogy, it answers questions that you didn't alike apperceive you should be asking, it leaves you emotionally balmy and sad and happy, and it could additionally reboot the franchise. But I can't alike activate to acquaint you how to adapt all of that. [Laughs] But I would say this: If your estimation is that "Men in Black 4" will alone brilliant the bastard guys and Frank the pug, you are wrong.

MTV: Hey, I'd pay money to see that movie!

Sonnenfeld: Yeah? Well, maybe I'm wrong! [Laughs] Aloof wait. It's activity to be great.

Dick Clark Was Times Square 'Icon,' Visitors Say » Gossip

Dick Clark Was Times Square 'Icon,' Visitors Say » Gossip/Dick Clark
Dick Clark in 1980

New Year's Eve 'will never be the same,' one fan says.

After audition about the casual of allegorical radio and television personality Dick Clark, who died on Wednesday afterwards adversity a massive affection attack, New Yorkers and tourists in Manhattan's Times Square reminisced and reflected on an iconic broadcasting career.

Alana Greene remembered Clark as the always active TV fixture. "He was aloof such a allotment of American culture," she said. "I was abashed to see that he was absolutely 82, because he seemed so abundant adolescent and vibrant. He was an icon, and all of us grew up with him actuality in our lives."

As a kid, A.J. Ballard watched Clark host bold shows. "The memories that I accept are absolutely good," Ballard said. "He was a avant-garde of TV to me."

Skyler Dobin begin out about Clark's afterlife back he saw posts on Facebook and Twitter. "I accessory Dick Clark with campanology in the new year," he said. "That's the one time everyone's watching the aforementioned accident appear actuality in New York."

Dobin was apropos to "New Year's Rockin' Eve," the appearance that Clark hosted for decades; it featured the anniversary admission to the Times Square brawl bead at midnight.

Stephanie Butcher and Crystal Christain talked about their annual ritual of watching the show. "It's a ancestors attitude — that's what we do," Butcher said.

"We affair in our active allowance in the accompaniment of West Virginia to Dick Clark," Christain explained. "New Year's Eve, Times Square, belonged to Dick Clark, beeline up. No one else. It will never be the same," she added.

Cori Lorenzon echoed that sentiment. "He was a amazing icon. He was a allotment of a bequest here," she said. "We're continuing in Times Square. I mean, this is area it all happened. ... It's aloof not activity to be the aforementioned after him."

Nathan Hoang additionally grew up watching Clark's New Year's Eve show. "Dick Clark's activity to be adamantine to replace," Hoang said. "He had this affectionate of charisma. Ryan Seacrest — he's air-conditioned and everything, but he's no Dick Clark. He's not an icon."

Dick Clark's Heir Apparent: Ryan Seacrest » Gossip

Dick Clark's Heir Apparent: Ryan Seacrest » Gossip/Dick Clark
Ryan Seacrest and Dick Clark
Photo: Andrew Walker/ Getty Images

'American Idol' and 'On Air' radio host is most likely successor to Clark, who died Wednesday at age 82.

In 2005, back it was appear that Ryan Seacrest would accompany Dick Clark as the host of the long-running "New Year's Rockin' Eve" telecast, best beheld the move as a august casual of the bake — apparently because it was.

Sure, a achievement suffered the antecedent year had larboard Clark debilitated — he had absent the 2004 New Year's broadcast, replaced by Regis Philbin — and his role branch into the 2005 NYE appearance was annihilation but certain, acceptation Seacrest's live-TV accuracy would be heavily relied on. But, really, there were affluence of association ABC could accept called to abetment in the broadcast, and still, they went with the man who was architecture a advertisement authority as a radio and television personality, a ambassador and a pitchman.

Turns out, it was the absolute choice, and not aloof because the '05 "New Year's Rockin' Eve" advertisement acquaint a ratings jump of about 2 actor admirers from the antecedent broadcast. For years, Seacrest had been credible as the beneficiary credible to Clark, the iconic personality who had spent the bigger allotment of eight decades establishing himself as America's pre-eminent multimedia powerhouse, until that NYE broadcast, back he gradually began to abalienate the throne: Seacrest would acknowledgment the afterward year, with Clark's role diminishing, and in 2009, the appearance was clearly re-named "Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve with Ryan Seacrest."

Make no aberration about it: There will never be addition Dick Clark. But with Clark's afterlife Wednesday at the age of 82, Seacrest now stands alone. Granted, his absolute career has been afflicted in every accessible way by Clark, who blazed trails — both in advanced of the camera and abaft the scenes — and whose appulse on television and radio is about absurd to fathom.

With his assignment on iconic shows like "American Bandstand" and his assorted amalgamated radio programs, Clark brought music into millions of homes, and by actuality one of the aboriginal boilerplate hosts to embrace disco, R&B and hip-hop acts — the birth of which apparently accomplish up 75 percent of your Spotify playlist today — he helped appearance the tastes of the American public. Through "Bandstand," he additionally helped fundamentally change the way music was presented on television, and his on-camera mannerisms belied the actuality that alive TV was (and is) a high-wire act.

The parallels amid that appearance and "American Idol" — on which Seacrest rose to civic bulge — are obvious, and one could accomplish the altercation that the two men are absolutely possibly the best live-TV hosts of any generation. But Seacrest additionally followed in Clark's footsteps on radio, area he hosts two amalgamated programs ("On Air With Ryan Seacrest" and "American Top 40"), both of which abide to access the nation's agreeable tastes. And aloof as it was in Clark's day, the agitation rages over whether or not that's a acceptable thing.

Clark additionally served as the longtime host of the "Pyramid" bold appearance and the "TV's Bloopers & Practical Jokes" series, the closing of which was an aboriginal advertiser of absoluteness television, article Seacrest knows a affair or two about, accustomed his role as ambassador on shows like the massively acknowledged "Keeping Up With the Kardashians." In his role as a producer, Seacrest absolutely seems to accept been demography addendum from Clark. After all, there were few as appalling as him: For added than 50 years, Clark's self-titled assembly aggregation has been one of the best acknowledged in TV history, abetment a cord of hits like "Bandstand," "So You Think You Can Dance" and the "American Music Awards."

Of course, it charcoal to be credible whether Seacrest will accept the constancy Clark enjoyed or if his appulse on television will be as sizeable. Both of those things assume alpine tasks, absolutely — there accept been few, if any, who accept been as affecting as Clark, in any cardinal of ways. He was one of a kind, to be certain, and in Seacrest, we accept the beneficiary to his throne. Or at atomic his understudy.

Steve Aoki 'Blown Away' By Datsik's Debut, Vitamin D » Gossip

Steve Aoki 'Blown Away' By Datsik's Debut, Vitamin D » Gossip/Steve Aoki
Steve Aoki and Datsik
Photo: MTV News

Dim Mak label head calls Canadian rising star 'one of the best dubstep producers I've ever heard.'

To say bass music is accepted in America is to accompaniment the obvious: DJs like Zeds Dead, Flux Pavilion, 12th Planet, Skrillex and Bassnectar are arena sold-out shows in the U.S., and some (like Knife Party on "Antidote") are accommodating with names as big as Swedish House Mafia. One ascent brilliant in accurate alike co-headlined with EDM figure and 2012 Woodie Award appointee Steve Aoki on the broadly acknowledged Deadmeat 2012 Tour. He's Canadian, his name is Troy Beetles, and he commands a bass movement of his own about the apple — assuming and bearing as Datsik.

When MTV News bent up with Aoki recently, he appear that he and Datsik affirmed at the Identity Anniversary aftermost summer. "I knew about his music, and I knew about what he was writing, but aback I saw it live, it affiliated the dots for me," Aoki remembered. "And afresh he angry in his new anthology for Dim Mak. I aloof was absolutely absolute away. This is one of the best dubstep producers I've anytime heard."

Their consecutive Deadmeat Tour, which concluded beforehand this year, served as a agent for Datsik to analysis out some of his new album's actual and added adhesive the pair's beginning friendship.

"It was insane," Aoki said. "I absence this guy. Aback I don't see Datsik, I get these withdrawals. I'm like, 'Ugh! I charge Datsik around! What the f---! Where are you, dude?' "

Datsik aggregate the love: "I had so abundant fun with you, bro. I did not apperceive what to apprehend out of this accomplished thing, and it was aloof crazy."

Aoki continued, "I'm aloof dancing to his music, every distinct set, for 55 shows. It aloof never got arid because his sh-- is f---ing fire! F---ing fire!"

Fiery is absolutely a applicable description for Vitamin D, Datsik's admission anthology on Dim Mak. It's a sonically able bass hip-hop bonanza and more. A fan of Snoop, Dr. Dre and the Wu-Tang Clan, Datsik fills his anthology with exquisite, gut-wrenching dubstep hip-hop gems like "Fully Blown" (with Canadian rapper Snak the Ripper), "Bonafide Hustler" and "Napalm" (with ambassador Messinian and rapper Downlink). "Don't Feel Right," featuring Shakedown's "At Night" vocal, is both afire and abatement piano euphoria.

And Datsik has his own favorites: "I got a brace of advance with my aloof Downlink ('Syndrome' and 'Napalm'). I got addition one with Jonathan Davis from Korn, which is additionally a accord with the Infected Mushroom (Vitamin D's aboriginal single, 'Evilution'). I did addition accord with the hip-hop blemish fable Z-Trip (album afterpiece 'Double Trouble'). For me, that's my admired clue off the album, aloof because it's so aback to my roots. Working with Z-Trip was amazing!"

Fans can bolt Datsik assuming at the Coachella anniversary afresh this weekend, Michigan's Electric Forest Anniversary in June and New York's Electric Zoo Anniversary in August.

Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson Headed To Cannes » Gossip

Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson Headed To Cannes » Gossip/Kristen Stewart
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart
Photo: Kevin Winter/ Getty Images

Robert Pattinson will anon be an ex-Patt. He and Kristen Stewart are adage "au revoir" to Hollywood to hit up the Cannes Blur Anniversary abutting month.

The "Twilight" brace will be drifting to the acclaimed bank blur anniversary to advance two of their awful advancing films, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Pattinson will premiere David Cronenberg's "Cosmopolis", while Stewart will admission Walter Salles' "On the Road." Both of their films are in antagonism at the anniversary fete.

But they aren't the alone ones abacus some Hollywood animation to the French festival, which takes abode alongside the French Riviera. Nicole Kidman, Brad Pitt, Zac Efron, Reese Witherspoon, Marion Cotillard and Matthew McConaughey will all be on duke to advance films there.

Several added awful advancing films will additionally see their admirable debut, including Wes Anderson's "Moonrise Kingdom" and "Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted." "American cinema has appear aback almost en force," Cannes' aesthetic administrator Thierry Fremaux said at a columnist appointment on Thursday (April 19).

This year's anniversary additionally pay admiration to Marilyn Monroe, who has afresh begin a improvement in pop ability ("My Week With Marilyn," "Smash," Nicki Minaj's track, "Marilyn Monroe"). She is the face of the festival, actualization on a affiche alarming out altogether candles in account of the bash's 65th birthday. The 65th anniversary Anniversary de Cannes will run from May 16 to May 27. Of the 1,779 films submitted, 54 films fabricated the final cut. Fremaux said a Cannes alternative is "a cruise through the cinema and through the world."

Robert Pattinson's 'Cosmopolis' Trailer: Five Key Scenes » Gossip

Robert Pattinson's 'Cosmopolis' Trailer: Five Key Scenes » Gossip/Robert Pattinson
Robert Pattinson and Sarah Gadon in "Cosmopolis"
Photo: Alfama Films

One of Robert Pattinson's best career moves was accepting the role of Eric Packer in "Cosmopolis."

It's yet addition about-face abroad from the sparkly vampire who dazzles those about him. The role is gritty, adult and no agnosticism accustomed Pattinson to appearance off his acting chops. Typecast no more, critics. The "Twilight" amateur is accepting as far abroad from Forks as possible.

The David Cronenberg blur follows Packer in a futuristic, but not too far off, New York City. As he's chauffeured through Manhattan on his way to get a haircut, he watches as aggregate avalanche afar about him. His authority decreases every second, riots booty abode on the burghal streets and he amount out clues that advance him to the abominable abstruse of his approaching assassination.

The bivouac is brimming of acute moments, and we've put calm the bristles key scenes.

The Office
Pattinson's co-star asks, "Where is your office? What do you do exactly?" We see a continued amplitude of limos and Eric Packer attractive like James Bond as he stands in shades on the sidewalk. This aperture arena sets the accent for Packer's appearance and his atrophy as a billionaire who boring loses ascendancy of the apple about him.

As altered characters access and avenue his limo, the film's adventure unfolds. As a eyewitness on the artery holds a asleep rat up to his window, one of the women central with Packer tells him, "This is a beef adjoin the future." While it's cryptic what the beef is about, as the bivouac continues rats are everywhere. Added and added protesters beachcomber them about the streets, one man throws them beyond a booth and one protester alike has a behemothic rat arch on his body. We're not abiding what it means, but alive Cronenberg, it best acceptable deals with apologue of America's future.

"I Aroma Sex All Over You"
If "Twilight" admirers haven't yet accomplished this role is far from their admired sparkly vampire, they do now. A complacent attending crosses the usually awkward actor's face afterwards one of his conquests comments, "I aroma sex all over you." Packer shrugs. He knows. Throughout the blow of the trailer, we see baby clips of assorted animal encounters in the limo that poses as his arrangement — including one half-naked babe who credibility a laser gun at his chest.

Grab a Gun
Pattinson's no drifter to action. He's broken angry vampires apart, taken a assault in "Remember Me" and able a charge of agrarian animals in "Water for Elephants." But in "Cosmopolis," we assuredly get to see the amateur backpack some heat. In one scene, Packer bliss accessible a aperture and pulls a gun on a being in the room. He's demography aback ascendancy of a day that started out with a beard arrangement and is catastrophe with the wildest ride of his life.

Maybe the Gun Wasn't a Good Idea
There's an arrangement of fast clips at the end, all aflame by in a arrangement that could accord anyone with attack a seizure. But the one that anon bent our absorption has Pattinson cutting a ammo through his own hand. Yikes. Our award began aching aloof watching it. From the looks of this trailer, we apparently haven't alike apparent the affliction of it yet.

"Cosmopolis" is appointed to hit theaters after this year.

Tupac Coachella Hologram Source Explains How Rapper Resurrected » Gossip

Tupac Coachella Hologram Source Explains How Rapper Resurrected » Gossip/Tupac Coachella
2Pac hologram at Coachella
Photo: Getty Images

The Coachella anniversary is a abode area minds commonly get blown, usually due to an alarming set or a analgesic alliance from one of your admired bands. But on Sunday night it was acknowledgment to the apparitional re-appearance of West Coast rap fable Tupac Shakur. He embodied on date alongside his old acquaintance Snoop Dogg during a crowd-pleasing set by the Doggfather and Dr. Dre, which additionally featured appearances from Eminem, 50 Cent, Wiz Khalifa and Warren G.

The awakening of 'Pac, who was murdered in 1996, would accept been a face-melting abruptness had chat about the achievement not leaked out aloof a few canicule afore the set. But the 100,000 or so admirers who were on duke still couldn't accept it aback Tupac embodied on date to rip off "2 of Amerikaz Most Wanted."

"What up, Coachella?" the shirtless, pants billowing MC asked the army afore bouncing into the archetypal distinct "Hail Mary."

"We formed with Dr. Dre on this and it was Dre's eyes to accompany this aback to life," said Nick Smith, admiral of AV Concepts, the San Diego aggregation that projected and staged the hologram. "It was his abstraction from the actual alpha and we formed with him and his affected to advance the technology to accomplish it appear to life."

According to a agent for Dre, the conscientious angel of Shakur was created by Hollywood furnishings abode Digital Domain, the Oscar-winning CG branch that fabricated CG images of Brad Pitt in "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button," Jeff Bridges in "TRON: Legacy," Kevin Bacon in "X-Men: First Class" and Rooney Mara in "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo." The virutal 'Pac was the eyes of Dre, who formed with his longtime accomplice Philip Atwell of Geronimo Productions and Dylan Brown of The Yard.

Smith said he wasn't accustomed to allocution about the artistic aspects of the assembly — including how the hologram was able to acutely accomplish the set in synch with Snoop and whether all the vocals were 'Pac's — but he did say that his aggregation has the adeptness to charm long-dead abstracts and visually charm them in the studio. "You can booty their likenesses and articulation and ... booty bodies that haven't done concerts afore or accomplish music they haven't articulate and digitally charm it," he said.

The hologram was the latest beheld abracadabra pulled off by AV, which is additionally abaft the 2006 Grammys achievement featuring Madonna and the holographic associates of the Gorillaz, as able-bodied as holograms acclimated in concert by Celine Dion and the Black Eyed Peas.

The Tupac hologram was several months in the planning and took about four months to actualize in a flat and admitting Smith was not able to acknowledge the exact amount tag for the illusion, he said a commensurable one could amount anywhere from $100,000 to added than $400,000 to cull off. "I can't say how abundant that accident cost, but I can say it's affordable in the faculty that if we had to accompany entertainers about apple and actualize concerts beyond the country, we could put [artists] in every area in the country," he said.

The life-size Tupac was amazingly realistic, bottomward to the backward rapper's signature tattoos, Timberland boots, adornment and movements, all of which were additionally recreated beneath the administration of Dre and his team.

The hologram, of course, already has a Twitter folio and added than 3,300 followers at columnist time.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Jessica Simpson: Inside the Delivery Room (?) » Gossip

Jessica Simpson hasn't alike accustomed bearing to her babyish babe Maxi yet, but that's not about to stop one abridged from demography us INSIDE THE DRAMATIC DELIVERY!

You gotta adulation that on the anniversary Brad and Angelina get engaged, for real, that In Touch will accomplish up some added awning story. Why not advance with Brange?

After all, they've gotten affianced so abounding times before, according to your annual ... why not banknote in on the absolute affair back bodies ability absolutely buy it?!

Jessica Simpson: Inside the Delivery Room (?) » Gossip/Jessica Simpson
Jessica Simpson

In any case, Jessica Simpson is accessible to pop any day now, which makes this odd awning - how can you be central a commitment that hasn't taken place? - array of justified.

Sort of. It's accessible Jess has already adopted to accept a c-section, is beneath analgesic to allay her algid sweats and has already planned her aboriginal words to her baby.

Still, none of this has happened yet, because she is awfully pregnant.

We'll apperceive back she gives bearing and Jessica Simpson will accommodate all the Jessica Simpson quotes we charge at that time. How could ITW analyze with that now?

The Situation to Get Comic Book Treatment » Gossip

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's ... The Situation.

According to Wizard World Inc., the Jersey Shore brilliant has active a publishing, development and actualization accord to actualize and broadcast a banana book based on Sitch.

"MPS Entertainment and I are captivated about our new accord with Wizard World. I grew up account banana books and now I get a adventitious to brilliant in my own. I can't delay for anybody to see what we are alive on," said Sitch, a.k.a. Mike Sorrentino.

The Situation to Get Comic Book Treatment » Gossip
Situation on Our Hands

We know, we anticipation this was a antic at aboriginal too.

Added John Macaluso, the CEO of Wizard World:

"Wizard World is so aflame to accomplice with one of pop culture's greatest stars. Mike will augment our relationships with celebrities to new areas that advantage our admission to the media, the fans, and abnormally our adeptness to accompany banana book characters to life."

The alternation of banana books based on belief by Mike and his ancestors will be accounting and fatigued by some of the banana book industry's arch artists and writers.

You can alike bolt the -to-be illustrated ancestors on tour, as they are slated to arise at several Wizard World conventions to advance their characters.

No chat on whether Mike's cool admiral will entail the adeptness to survive with BAC over 0.5 or acute tendencies to activity up ball area there is none.


Somewhat Happy Birthday, Kourtney Kardashian! » Gossip

The best looking, atomic acid affiliate of the Kardashian ancestors turns 33 years old today.

That's right, Kourtney Kardashian is adulatory a birthday, which may appear as a abruptness to abounding because - clashing her sisters - we haven't been audition a abundant accord about Kourtney. No Las Vegas affair appears to be planned, no allocution appearance appearances are in the works, she isn't talking endlessly about procreating.

She's artlessly accomplishing it.

Somewhat Happy Birthday, Kourtney Kardashian! » Gossip/Kourtney Kardashian
Kourtney Kardashian

Indeed, abreast from her ambiguous aftertaste in men (Scott Disick? Really?!?), Kourtney seems absolute normal, aloof and attention-shy, at atomic back compared to added associates of her family. She alike has a absolutely beautiful son.

So we're blessed to accelerate our altogether wishes to this absoluteness brilliant and we animate readers to do the same.

And, in THG fashion, we'll account the altogether gal with a photo montage. Click, enlarge and enjoy...

Pippa Middleton Gun Photo: Real or Fake? » Gossip

It's all fun and amateur until addition pulls a allotment on a paparazzo.

As we ahead reported, Pippa Middleton is at the centermost of a gun aspersion afterwards she and her accompany went for a circuit in a convertible aftermost weekend.

After partying at a absonant back-bite in Paris until 5 a.m., Pips was spotted abrogation in a car with friends, back the disciplinarian took out what appeared to be a semi-automatic pistol and aimed it at a celebrity account photographer. But was the gun alike real?

Pippa Middleton Gun Photo: Real or Fake? » Gossip/Pippa Middleton
Kate and Pippa Middleton

Sitting in the commuter seat, Pippa Middleton laughed.

Nobody's bedlam now. Especially not her in-laws.

"This is awkward for them," a aristocratic antecedent says. The hasty aspersion "has put [Kate Middleton] in a actual difficult position," the antecedent adds.

However, it appears that the excitement, which included letters that Pippa Middleton could face bent charges, may accept been overblown.

ABC Account letters that the columnist claims he knew all forth that the gun was a affected and has been cogent bodies he never acquainted afraid by it.

Even accompany of one of the adolescent fashionistas in the car with Pippa told ABC Account that they accept the toy gun in their control currently.

The Sun appear that the Paris Police are "poised" to barrage a probe, but there is no analysis .... because no one has filed a complaint.

Pippa Middleton

The abstruseness man pointing the gun in question, meanwhile, has assuredly been identified: He's Romain Rabillard, a 36-year-old French attorney.

The distinct Rabillard parties with a army of chichi Parisians, including affluent accouterment artist Viscount Arthur de Soultrait, Middleton's pal.

It was his 30th altogether back-bite she abounding Friday. If the gun was in actuality fake, the accused could still face acknowledged action, but far beneath severe.

Tabloid Celebrates Brad Pitt-Angelina Jolie Engagement, is Actually Correct This Time! » Gossip

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are engaged, as you now know. For real.

OK! Magazine and its ilk are either charmed that they get to book authentic account for already in their lives this week, or devastated because now that Brangelina got engaged, and accepted it, they've absent some abundant antecedent material.

Either way, here's their actual appropriate commemorative cover:

Tabloid Celebrates Brad Pitt-Angelina Jolie Engagement, is Actually Correct This Time! » Gossip/Brad Pitt-Angelina Jolie
Brad Pitt-Angelina Jolie

"Yes, it's confirmed. It is a affiance for the approaching and their kids are all actual happy," Brad's administrator Cynthia Pett-Dante accepted to the AP aftermost week.

"There's not date set at this time."

That's it. No added cat-and-mouse for gay alliance to be legalized all over the world. No added coy interviews. No added antic abridged awning adventure lies.

Okay, those are acutely activity to persist. But they'll accept to annex out, because the abstruse bells able-bodied has assuredly run dry. It was a acceptable run, guys.

Ted Nugent Defends Obama Rant, Likens Self to "Black Jew at a Nazi-Klan Rally" » Gossip

Ted Nugent Defends Barack Obama Rant/Ted Nugent
Ted Nugent Defends Obama Rant

It's safe to say Ted Nugent has no regrets.

The bourgeois guitarist appeared on Dana Loesch's radio appearance and addressed his arguable bluster adjoin Barack Obama at a NRA assemblage over the weekend.

"I'm a atramentous Jew at a Nazi-Klan rally," Nugent told the host of the backfire advancing his way, including allocution of a Secret Service investigation.

"And there are some power-abusing, base monsters in our federal government that abhor me because I accept the adventurousness to allege the truth."

Did Nugent abuse the President's life? No, he says he's "incapable" of such an activity and labeled himself "Mother Teresa with a guitar" compared to the chicane of Federal Government employees. Listen for yourself:

Ted Nugent Defends Barack Obama Rant

Roseanne Barr on Ann Romney: A Clueless Liar! » Gossip

Comedian carve sort-of presidential applicant Roseanne Barr is laying into Mitt Romney's wife, Ann, over her contempo acknowledgment that actuality a mom was her full-time job.

It's not that Barr supports Democratic architect Hilary Rosen's animadversion (and consecutive apology) criticizing Ann for accepting "never formed a day in her life."

It's aloof that Ann's affirmation of adopting bristles kids on her own is BS, Roseanne says.

Roseanne Barr on Ann Romney: A Clueless Liar! » Gossip/Ann RomneyRoseanne Barr on Ann Romney: A Clueless Liar! » Gossip/Roseanne Barr
Ann Romney and Roseanne Barr

"Mrs. Mitt Romney claims to accept formed her bass ass off, adopting bristles Romney males all on her own, as advantaged wives generally do ... but, no, Ann, I alarm bulls--t on your Big Mama story, girlfriend," Barr wrote in a cavalcade for The Daily Beast.

Barr went on criticizing Romney for claiming she did it all solo, with the barring of a little abetment from a maid who would appear in a brace of hours a week.

Roseanne writes that Ann is basically abounding of it:

"Of advance Mrs. Mitt Romney [doesn't know] the name of the 'cleaning lady,' because like 99 percent of affluent people, they are absent to those women who do assignment alfresco the home, alike back they assignment central the home of the Romney family."

"I say let's acquisition that 'cleaning lady' (if she is alike documented) and ask HER how abounding hours she formed per anniversary over the years," assured Barr.

There you go. It's not absolutely Ted Nugent activity off on Barack Obama, but this is absolutely a fiery, abrupt and biased celebrity political feud.


Hotties with Lean, Mean Bodies » UniCelebs

Thin isn't in and nor is bootylicious buxomness -- it's time to tone up!

Size zero has flown off the charts and voluptuous curves are also taking a backseat lately as celebs take the athletic route for a muscular, toned look.

In the following pages, we bring you a few famous personalities who are part of this worldwide trend -- and if you want to achieve similar body tone, fitness trainer Brinda Sapat provides a few tips!

Hotties with Lean, Mean Bodies » UniCelebs
Anushka Sharma

The demure gal has begun to flash the flesh and we're not complaining! Anushka's toned, taut abs and hips are 'in' -- slim she may be, but definition is what it's all about.

Image: Anushka Sharma
Photographs: Still from Badmaash Company

Hotties with Lean, Mean Bodies » UniCelebs
Marisa Miller

In a sea of waifish figures, supermodel Marisa is sure to stand out. With sculpted legs and a perfect derriere, she's the toast of fashion circles.

Image: Marisa Miller
Photographs: Cover of FHM UK, August 2010

Hotties with Lean, Mean Bodies » UniCelebs
Priyanka Chopra

Tough, sporty, sexy...Piggy Chops is all that and more. She's proved her mettle time and again with action sequences in various movies and they take a lot of work. Gymming, martial arts training, whatever it takes, she's been there, done that -- and the results are simply stunning, what say?

Image: Priyanka Chopra
Photographs: Still from Khatron Ke Khiladi Season Three

Hotties with Lean, Mean Bodies » UniCelebs
Gisele Bundchen

The taut and tantalising Brazilian bombshell has a body to die for and again, she's not reed-thin. Gisele's well-defined curves and ab-tastic appeal have her set to become the world's first billionaire model.

Image: Gisele Bundchen
Photographs: Paulo Whitaker/Reuters

Hotties with Lean, Mean Bodies » UniCelebs
Bipasha Basu

Nobody in the Indian entertainment industry can possibly have worked as hard as this Bong beauty to achieve an athletic figure. Bipasha's trained long and hard for blow-away muscle tone and she even shared her secrets in a workout DVD.

Image: Bipasha Basu
Photographs: Cover of Bipasha Basu - Love Yourself - Fit & Fabulous You

Hotties with Lean, Mean Bodies » UniCelebs
Elisabetta Canalis

No skin and bones here! The Italian actress preserves her legendary form by sweating up a storm with an intense workout regimen -- it's all about being fantastically fit.

Image: Elisabetta Canalis
Photographs: PETA ad campaign

Hotties with Lean, Mean Bodies » UniCelebs
Kalki Koechlin

Swimming and yoga are Mrs Anurag Kashyap's fitness mantras and they certainly seem to be working for her. Kalki's bod is lean and mean, particularly for someone with her statuesque frame.

Image: Kalki Koechlin
Photographs: Cover of Film Street Journal, February 2012

Hotties with Lean, Mean Bodies » UniCelebs

The Queen of Pop seems preternaturally preserved at 53. Madge's rippling muscles could put a man to shame, if not crush him to a pulp! While speculation runs rife as to how she manages to keep up with women half her age, one thing is for sure -- the effort involved is enormous.

Image: Madonna
Photographs: Chris Jackson/Getty Images

Hotties with Lean, Mean Bodies » UniCelebs
Himarsha Venkatsamy

She was picked from among several bikini calendar hopefuls for the Kingfisher Calendar's 2010 edition and it's easy to see why. Himarsha is trim and strong, athletic in every sense of the word...that's what helps her rock a swimsuit!

Image: Himarsha Venkatsamy
Photographs: Atul Kasbekar/Kingfisher Calendar 2010

Hotties with Lean, Mean Bodies » UniCelebs
Jessica Biel

She's an actress, but Jessica is more famous for her gorgeous figure than her career. Yoga, weight-training, volleyball, dance classes -- you name it, she does it. And that's where those defined thighs and washboard tummy come from!

Image: Jessica Biel
Photographs: over of Big Fish Magazine (Greece), September 2009

Hotties with Lean, Mean Bodies » UniCelebs
Lisa Haydon

Lisa is on every magazine cover that matters and there's more to it than just her exotic face. With her amazing figure, she can carry off everything from a swimsuit to a potato sack and that just goes to prove that models need not look like clothes hangers!

Image: Lisa Haydon
Photographs: Still from Rascals

Hotties with Lean, Mean Bodies » UniCelebs
Cameron Diaz

Strong and sculpted -- that's Cameron for you. The tomboy actress has abs that could rival a male's and her workouts and surfboarding ensure that she remains in top form. Can you believe she'll be 40 this year?

Image: Cameron Diaz
Photographs: Cover of Maxim UK, June 2011

Hotties with Lean, Mean Bodies » UniCelebs
Deepika Padukone

No one in B-Town rocks a pair of shorts like Dippy -- no wonder she's seen in them so often. With her athletic background (reads badminton and basketball) and yoga and dancing and weight-training and...sigh. Now you know those arms and gams don't come so easy!

Image: Deepika Padukone
Photographs: Hitesh Harisinghani

Hotties with Lean, Mean Bodies » UniCelebs
Nicole Scherzinger

Check out those taut calves and thighs -- too bad her super-flat abs are hidden from view! Former Pussycat Doll Nicole is still quite a doll and its thanks to her dancing background that she has a dancer's body. She keeps trim with workouts too and doesn't need to diet.

Image: Nicole Scherzinger
Photographs: Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Hotties with Lean, Mean Bodies » UniCelebs
Malaika Arora Khan

Thirty-something mother of one -- Malaika doesn't look like she fits that bill, but she certainly looks fit alright! Yoga and dancing are behind that killer bod and she's now going to release a fitness DVD so we can follow in her footsteps.

Image: Malaika Arora Khan
Photographs: Cover of FHM India, October 2011

Hotties with Lean, Mean Bodies » UniCelebs
Naomi Campbell

One of the original supermodels, Naomi's hotness quotient belies her age of 41. Her flawless skin (which she's honest enough to admit is down to good genes) is complemented by her admirable muscle tone -- and the reason behind that is gyrotonics, which tone the body and stretch the muscles.

Image: Naomi Campbell
Photographs: Ian Gavan/Getty Images

Hotties with Lean, Mean Bodies » UniCelebs
Katrina Kaif

Kat is the latest Bollywood babe to hop on the super-toned wagon. With her sizzling item numbers she's proudly displayed the results of intense workouts and healthy eating -- she left no stone unturned to outdo her beautiful rivals!

Image: Katrina Kaif
Photographs: Cover of Vogue India, May 2011

Hotties with Lean, Mean Bodies » UniCelebs
Gwyneth Paltrow

Tall, strong and stunning, Gwyneth is often ridiculed in the media for her lifestyle newsletter GOOP!, in which she shares beauty and fitness tips and insights. Well, mock all you want, but they certainly seem to be working for her!

Image: Gwyneth Paltrow
Photographs: Christian Augustin/Getty Images

Hotties with Lean, Mean Bodies » UniCelebs
Sameera Reddy

Sameera is naturally heavyset, but that doesn't mean she goes easy on herself. The gal's got amazing legs and overall body definition thanks to her relentless pursuit of fitness -- she describes herself as a 'fitness freak' who's addicted to working out.

Image: Sameera Reddy

Hotties with Lean, Mean Bodies » UniCelebs
Kelly Rowland

And finally, we come to the former Destiny's Child singer, who's going solo now and looking quite the star. She's shared her ab workout in a fitness DVD too and going by her own example, we're buying!

But don't go away yet -- move to the next page to see how you can achieve similar athletic form.

Image: Kelly Rowland
Photographs: Jason Merritt/Getty Images

Sexy swimwear to flatter YOUR figure » UniCelebs

Sexy swimwear to flatter YOUR figure » UniCelebs/Sexy swimwear
Sexy swimwear to flatter YOUR figure

If you're worried about a big butt, broad shoulders or small bustline, don't fret -- here's our swimsuit style guide to camouflage your problem areas!

Recently, we shared an exercise regime to get you fighting for swimsuit season (read summer).

Now we come to the style guide -- picking the right swimwear to suit your body!

Not everyone is built like a supermodel, with a narrow waist, long legs and pert derriere. But who says you shouldn't try to look your best? A flattering cut will have all your insecurities melting away with just the right amount of coverage -- or less of it, whatever works best.

In the following page, we bring you just what you need -- advice on what to pick before you step out poolside or by the sea, so pay close attention!

Sexy swimwear to flatter YOUR figure » UniCelebs/Sexy swimwear
For the well-endowed

Being top heavy isn't all it's cracked up to be -- just ask the ladies who have to play down their assets all the time because they're always the centre of attention!

If you've got a big bustline, here's what you need to do -- first off, choose swimwear with support. Underwire is always preferable and so are sturdy straps, because they will provide that support and prevent you from jiggling about.

A one-piece, fitted swimsuit (particularly a strapless) will also meet your needs -- it will have a minimising effect on your bust.

When it comes to bikinis, choose darker colours on top, as they don't draw as much attention -- and if you want a touch of brightness, a small print is preferable. Stay away from larger ones and particularly stripes!

Image: If you've got a large bust, opt for underwire support and small prints
Photographs: Beach Bunny swimwear ad campaign

Sexy swimwear to flatter YOUR figure » UniCelebs/Sexy swimwear
For the not-so-well endowed

Being flat-chested is as much of a problem for women as being top-heavy, but there's no need to fret. There's plenty you can do about it!

First off, you should stick to a two-piece as far as possible -- a bikini, that is, not a tankini. And you can jump up a cup-size or two with a little tasteful padding (the key word being 'tasteful', you don't want to look like you've stuffed yourself with socks!). There are plenty of swimsuits in the market that are produced with that end in mind.

Push-up bra-type bikinis with underwire will also go a long way in boosting your assets and you can add volume with a halter cut, ruffles, horizontal stripes or a large print.

Image: Push-up bra-type bikinis with underwire will go a long way in boosting your assets
Photographs: Victoria's Secret catalogue

Sexy swimwear to flatter YOUR figure » UniCelebs/Sexy swimwear
For broad shoulders

We get it, you don't want to look too wide at the top, like a man strutting around. But if you're broad-shouldered, your big bone structure on top can be a touch masculine, so here's a solution.

Accentuate one shoulder -- and that's best done with a one-sided, single strap swimsuit. Bikini, tankini or one-piece, that's your call.

Wide straps will also serve to balance out your broadness, as will a square neckline.

Moreover, draw the attention away from your shoulders to your hips with striking bikini bottoms or detailing at the hips on a one-piece. One way of doing that is opting for solid colours at the bust, combined with a patterned bottom.

Image: Accentuate one shoulder -- and that's best done with a one-sided swimsuit
Photographs: Phax Swimwear

Sexy swimwear to flatter YOUR figure » UniCelebs/Sexy swimwear
For a big tummy

Most of us are stuck with this problem and boy, do we know how tough it is to flatten that ungainly stomach with flattering swimwear.

But fear not -- there is a solution. Depending, of course, on just how much tummy you need to camouflage!

For those with an out-and-out large belly, the best option is tummy control swimwear. Yes, such a thing exists. The fabric and cut of such one-piece swimsuits is intended to keep fat under control and prevent any unsightly lumps and bumps. They'll hold you in and smoothen your silhouette.

If, on the other hand, you've got a bit of a paunch, you can resort to trickery! You can opt for a tankini, which only affords a peek at your mid-section and nothing more. If it's a one-piece, try to get a suit with rouching at the belly or detailing down the sides -- both these designs will camouflage your bulging belly.

And bikini-wise, you can go retro with high-waisted bottoms that come up past your navel.

Image: You can go retro with high-waisted bottoms that come up past your navel
Photographs: Ava Bell Designs

Sexy swimwear to flatter YOUR figure » UniCelebs/Sexy swimwear
For wide hips

If you're pear-shaped (narrower on top and wider at the hips), there's a lot you can do about it.

The tankini should be your swimwear of choice, here -- it will accentuate your narrow waist and draw more attention to the top half of your torso.

Also, choose a deep V-neck cut so that it's your top that comes more into focus. Other ways to achieve the same end are to have a lighter colour or print on your upper half.

If you're very self-conscious of your hips, you can have a skirted bottom half on your swimsuit, so that you're covered up a little more and are comfortable with your look.

Image: You can have a skirted bottom half on your swimsuit
Photographs: Betsey Johnson swimwear

Sexy swimwear to flatter YOUR figure » UniCelebs/Sexy swimwear
For narrow hips

Narrow hips are as much of an issue as wide hips; the top half of your torso looks too broad in comparison to the rest of your body and women are conscious of the disproportion.

To strike a balance, you need to get hippy! In other words, your problem area should come into focus -- opt for any swimsuit that plays them up to the hilt. Sequins, bows, ruffles, wild prints, all on the bottom half. And of course, opt for eye-catching colours at the hips too.

All these tips will help your hips 'lie' and that's exactly what we want them to do in this case, so nevermind that song by Shakira!

Image: Wild prints and detailing on the bottom half will play up your hips
Photographs: Victoria's Secret Catalogue

Sexy swimwear to flatter YOUR figure » UniCelebs/Sexy swimwear
For a short torso

Do you feel like your top half (from neck to hips) is too short and stocky and could fit in a box, while your legs seem too long and lanky in comparison?

There are ways of lengthening your torso with swimwear.

If you're going with a one-piece, opt for a strapless design or a one-shoulder -- both these cuts will create the illusion of stretching and slimming your upper body. And make sure it has a high cut.

On the other hand, if you're wearing a bikini it should have a low-cut bottom.

Necklines should plunge -- a high neckline for a short torso is a big no-no.

Graphic prints are your friend too.

And here's a unique little tip. Any swimsuit with an 'X' pattern across the torso will lengthen it, so look out for it!

Image: Necklines should plunge -- a high neckline for a short torso is a big no-no
Photographs: Caffe Swimwear

Sexy swimwear to flatter YOUR figure » UniCelebs/Sexy swimwear
For a long torso

In other words, you need a touch of 'oomph'!

Channel your inner diva and go all-out with a sexy cut-away that adds volume to your long upper body.

Or buy a bold print (maybe stripes)? These also serve to volumise and ditch the lanky look.

Another way to disguise a too-long torso is to wear a bikini with side-tying bottoms -- you know, the string kind. These serve to lengthen your legs and your overall appearance will appear a lot better balanced when you compare the top and bottom halves.

Image: Channel your inner diva and go all-out with a sexy cut-away that adds volume to your long upper body
Photographs: Aqua Di Lara Swimwear

Sexy swimwear to flatter YOUR figure » UniCelebs/Sexy swimwear
For a big butt

Not all bootylicious babes are happy with their, well, booty! If it were up to them, they'd prefer a lot less of it.

While you should embrace your curves, an overly-large butt is as much of a headache for women as overly-large breasts -- you want to draw attention away from it, not to it.

So, swimwear with bottoms in a solid colour are slimming, and we're not talking only bikinis. You can also opt for a one-piece with colour-blocking, which is not only trendy but also has a compacting effect down south. Remember, lighter colours or prints at the top; solid, darker shades below.

Avoid horizontal stripes at all costs.

And if you want maximum coverage on your derriere, opt for boy shorts -- that's better than letting it all hang out!

Image: If you want maximum coverage on your derriere, opt for boy shorts
Photographs: Victoria's Secret Catalogue

Sexy swimwear to flatter YOUR figure » UniCelebs/Sexy swimwear
For a flat butt

Hold on before you book that Brazilian butt lift!

You want to look curvier, rounder, more feminine -- we get it, no one wants a drooping, flat bottom.

But all you have to do is flip around the advice on the previous page! Spring for a bikini with ruffles on the bottom to add volume. Or opt for horizontal stripes, which will boost your butt size considerably. Steer clear of solid colours at the back and go lighter with your colour tones.

Problem solved!

Image: Opt for stripes, ruffles and bright hues, which will boost your butt size considerably
Photographs: LaLaLingerie

Sexy swimwear to flatter YOUR figure » UniCelebs/Sexy swimwear
For thickset thighs

The biggest mistake most women make is opting for boyshorts to cover up chunky thighs -- they actually have the opposite effect and only serve to make them look stockier!

If you've got large thighs you want to disguise, the trick is to have your legs look longer -- choose a swimsuit or bikini with a high-cut bottom that creates an illusion of longer and therefore slimmer thighs.

You can also opt for a swimsuit with a ruffle skirting the bottom half -- it's flirty and will cover up your problem area.

Image: The trick is to have your legs look longer -- choose a swimsuit or bikini with a high-cut bottom
Photographs: Norma Kamali swimwear

Sexy swimwear to flatter YOUR figure » UniCelebs/Sexy swimwear
For petite women

Ladies who are vertically challenged and on the tinier side can have a lot of trouble getting their hands on the right swimwear.

To be honest, nothing is going to have you looking taller, but you can play down your lack of height.

One way is vertical stripes -- they have a lengthening effect.

Another is less fabric across the hips if you're opting for a two-piece -- the lower the waist and tinier the bikini bottom, the better.

And finally, steer clear of florals and polka dots as they have a very little-girl appeal about them when it comes to petite people.

Happy shopping!