Friday, February 25, 2011

Uh Oh

I was under the assumption (and that's what happens when you assume) that our health with retirement was part of the PEER80 program. In conversation with Todd (who is our Shop Steward in Home Delivery), he seems to think it may not be so. Chuck B called the pension and health offices and didn't get the answers that we're entitled to. Here's another case of people forgetting who they work for.
Anyway, Todd is going to find out for us about the health. When we voted on the health in the first place, it wasn't a slam dunk. There's an undercurrent of younger people (younger than me, anyway) that want out of the health with retirement. And, the company wants us out of it so they can save more money. I'm not sure how sold our Teamster leadership is on keeping the health or not.
It will really fuck my plans up if we don't get a contract and we don't vest in the health. I do vest in the PEER80 retirement, so all isn't lost.

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