Saturday, March 17, 2012

Rick Santorum Declares War on Porn » Gossip

Rick Santorum sees sex in absolutely commonsensical terms.

If it's not done with agriculture an egg in mind, dude's got no adulation for it. Any such act (or product, or film, or contraceptive) is JUST PLAIN WRONG, PEOPLE!!

The Republican presidential applicant and allegiant amusing bourgeois wants to ban adamantine amount developed films, calling them baneful to alliance and relationships.

The above Pennsylvania agent writes on his website:

Rick Santorum Declares War on Porn/rick santorum
Rick Santorum

"America is adversity from a communicable of pornography. It contributes to misogyny and abandon adjoin women. It is a accidental agency to corruption and sex trafficking."

He demands a crackdown on the administering of Internet porn, in accession to actual on cable/satellite TV, hotel/motel TV, retail shops and through the mail.

What qualifies as "hardcore" charcoal unclear.

Santorum says a "wealth of research" assuming how chicanery causes "profound academician changes in accouchement and adults," and says President Obama doesn't do enough:

"The Obama administering turns a dark eye to those who ambition to bottle our ability from the affliction of chicanery and has banned to accomplish abomination laws."

"While the Obama Department of Justice seems to favor pornographers over accouchement and families, that will change beneath a Santorum administration."

The White House hopeful, whose aftermost name was hilariously Google austere in acknowledgment to his aggressive homophobia, has been aural this anxiety for years.

Why a alleged apostle of abandon on so abounding added issues is so adjoin claimed freedoms in a accord sense, who the heck knows. But he agency it!

Tuesday, Santorum won primaries in Alabama and Mississippi. Rick and battling Mitt Romney are both ambiguous in Puerto Rico advanced of their challenge Sunday.

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