Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Alex "Voodoo" Torres: Lindsay Lohan Paid Me For Sex! » Gossip

Porn star Alex Torres, a.k.a. Voodoo, claims to accept had a agrarian night of sex with Lindsay Lohan while her father, Michael Lohan, was comatose in the aforementioned house.

Surprising? Not really.

Torres talked with The Jim Richards Appearance on Newstalk 1010 in Toronto on Friday aback he appear his A-list antic afterwards actuality told MiLo would be on the show.

"Ask [Michael Lohan] if he knows about that night I had with his babe while he was sleeping upstairs," Voodoo told Richards. "I'm not joking!"

Alex 'Voodoo' Torres: Lindsay Lohan Paid Me For Sex! » Gossip/lindsay lohan
Lindsay Lohan

He additionally fabricated it complete like she paid him: "Many of these Hollywood celebrities pay me a aerial amount dollar to appear and amuse them. I'm not joking!"

To clarify, host Jim Richards says, "So you're adage you've had relations with Lindsay Lohan?"

"I'm adage that," Voodoo confirms.

Photographer Terry Richardson additionally had an affectionate appointment with the Mean Girls star, according to Radar, and she heavily pursued him afterward.

He's "just not interested," however, which is sad for her and all ... but it appears Lohan is absolutely aback on her aboriginal team, if you will. Nice.

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